Vegetative propagation of redberry using refrigeration, IBA and BAP

  • Leonardo Silva Patto UFTPR
  • Assis Francisco Ferreira ufla
  • Rafael Pio UFLA
  • Pedro Henrique Abreu Moura ufla
  • Cynthia Natally de Assis ufla
  • Moacir Pasqual ufla



 Increasing interest in the cultivation of redberries has created a need to optimize seedling propagation. This work examines techniques for the vegetative propagation of redberry. Four sequential experiments were conducted. In the first two experiments, we collected stem and root cuttings. In the first experiment, the cuttings were treated with different IBA concentrations, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg L–1, for 10 s. In the second experiment, the cuttings were separated into bundles of ten cuttings each and stored in a refrigerator (approximately 4 °C) for different time periods: 10, 20 and 30 days; the control was a portion of cuttings that was not subjected to refrigeration. In the third experiment we performed two methods of layering in semi-hardwood branches of redberry: tip and air layering. We also applied different IBA concentrations: 0, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg L–1. The fourth experiment evaluated only root cuttings stored for 14 days without being treated with IBA. After the storage period, the cuttings were treated with different concentrations of BAP, 0, 300, 600, 900, 1200 and 1500 mg L–1, for 10 s. We concluded that root cuttings embed deeper than stem cuttings and do not require IBA to improve rooting or BAP to stimulate growth. Storage for 14 days was more effective in stimulating rooting and sprouting. Layering did not provide good results.


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