Use of refrigeration in the conservation of black raspberries Rubus niveus


  • Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lima UFLA
  • Rafael Pio UFLA
  • Luana Aparecida Castilho Maro UFLA
  • Celeste Maria Patto Abreu ufla
  • Mayara Neves Santos Guedes UFLA
  • Leonardo Silva Patto UFLA



 Raspberries have limited durability after harvest due to their high respiratory rate. The use of low temperatures is one of the techniques used to extend this short period. While cooling is a low-cost method, knowledge of appropriate storage conditions is essential to ensure the quality of the raspberries. To add to this knowledge base, was evaluated black raspberries, Rubus niveus, packed in polyethylene terephthalate trays and stored for 12 days in BOD incubators (biochemical oxygen demand) at –1, 1; 3, 5 and 7 °C, with variations from 0.2 to 0.5 °C, and a relative humidity of 91.4±7.3%. Although the evaluations were extended until the 12th day of storage, the fruits showed different retention periods depending on the temperature. The best temperature for the conservation of fruits was –1 °C, at which the berries reached 12 days of storage without much variation in quality for consumption. On the other hand, when stored at temperatures of 1 and 3 °C, preservation of the berries lasted only three days. After this period, the organoleptic quality of the fruits was reduced due to high mass loss and the development of an unusual taste. These features were anticipated at 5 and 7 °C, and the presence of strange odours and microorganisms were found at 7 °C, all of which resulted in a short period of storage.


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Biografia do Autor

Rafael Pio, UFLA

Departamento de Agricultura


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