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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Make sure your Cover Letter complies with the Template. Model .
  • The submission text is in requested format and follows the standards and requirements described in Editorial Policy , available in the About Magazine tab.
    Texts must have a maximum of 20 pages for Original Articles and Review Articles and up to 10 pages for Communications.
  • Check that your Metadata Page conforms to the Model .
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

  • The authorship identification of this work has been removed from the Word properties file and option, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion, according to instructions available at Guidelines for Authors , in the Authorship section.
  • Authors' data should be completed only in the Letter of Cover Letter, "the Ethics Committee Approval Statement, the CEUA Research Approval Statement, the Metadata Page, the Copyright Transfer Statement, and the In the submission system, use "include author".
  • Fill in metadata also in English. To do so, click edit metadata, change the language to English and enter the title in English, abstract and keywords. Save and continue submission.
  • Citation of newsletters or abstracts published in scientific events is not accepted.
  • Use lowercase italic "p" to indicate statistical probability: if there was a difference use p <0.05 or p <0.01; if there was no difference use p> 0.05 or p> 0.01.
  • What is not provided for in the rules will be handled by the Editorial Team or Area editor.
  • In author's comments inform (in a nutshell): relevance of the study and problem; main finding of the study; study contribution; if the work is original and if the results are partial or preliminary.
  • I undertake to act as a reviewer of manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Agricultural Sciences, issue a reasoned opinion and within the deadline requested by the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Remember that one of the criteria to be accepted is to send the work file, the metadata page (with the same order of presentation for publication) and the letter of introduction.


Authors must ensure that papers submitted to the journal of Agricultural Sciences / Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have not been previously published, and are not being submitted for publication in another journal.

It is worth noting that papers that refer only to tests on the activity of chemical or biological products or physiological stresses will not be accepted, as well as papers generated from in vitro culture results, limited to the improvement of protocols or that do not provide new information to the field.

The content of works submitted for publication in the Revista de Ciências Agrárias / Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is the sole responsibility of its author (s).

Types of jobs

The Revista de Ciências Agrárias-Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences accepts submissions of Original Articles, Review Articles and Communications (Scientific and Technical Notes). Papers can be submitted in Portuguese and English. Articles submitted or to be published in English, after being accepted for publication, must be accompanied by a proof of proof of proof of translation or translation (as a supplementary file). All works, regardless of type, must comply with the "Guidelines for Authors". Papers submitted outside the norms of the journal will be reevaluated only once.

Original Articles: must contain up to 20 pages, including references, figures and tables; must present the following sections: Title in Portuguese, Abstract, Keywords, Title in English, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References; the titles of each section should be numbered sequentially, starting from the introduction (except for the topic References), written in bold and with initial capital letters, and justified on the left. Subtitles are not accepted.

Review Articles: must contain up to 20 pages, including figures and tables; must present: Title in Portuguese, Abstract, Keywords, Title in English, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development (if necessary, may include subtitles), Final considerations and References; the titles of each section must be numbered sequentially, starting from the introduction (except for the topic References), written in bold and with initial capital letters, and justified on the left.

Communications (Scientific/Technical Notes): must not exceed 10 pages, including figures and tables; the rules for preparation are the same as those of the Original Article, except in the following points: the Abstract must contain 150 words; the paper must contain a maximum of 10 pages; and the number of references must be limited to 15; when the Note is written in Portuguese, it must also contain Abstract and Keywords and, when written in English, it must also contain Abstract and Keywords.

Authorship and supplementary documents required

Authorship should be limited to those who participated and contributed substantially to the work. To prepare the authors' contribution (mandatory item on the metadata page, we suggest reading the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and responsibilities / defining-the-role- of-authors-and-contributors.html).

We emphasize that up to six authors are accepted in the article. All information about the authors and their affiliations should be entered only at:

Cover letter (cover letter): it is a mandatory item and must be inserted as a supplementary document, which will describe the importance of work in the area of ​​expertise, qualifying it for publication in the Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, emphasizing its originality, and that is not being appreciated by other magazines. Authors must agree with its content and submission.

Metadata page (put in the system as a supplementary document), which must include: title of the work in the main language (in English or Portuguese); title of the work in the second language (in English or Portuguese); authors' names (with numerical index to refer to affiliation and asterisk to indicate the corresponding author) and ORCID (if you do not have this record, access https://orcid.org/): the names of the authors must be as used in works academics; affiliation of all authors (mention only one affiliation for each author, this being the place where the work was developed; insert respective numerical indexes, listing author and affiliation); corresponding author

-Model: [* corresponding author's e-mail (mandatory item)]; contribution of the authors (description of the contribution of each author to the work taking into account the taxonomy of the Employee's functions (CRediT, https://casrai.org/credit/): Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Obtaining Funding, Research, Methodology, Project Management, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - First Writing and Writing - Review and Editing. For articles in English consider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition; Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Roles / Writing - original draft, Writing -review & editing.

Model: [Antonio Dias: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Visualization, Writing - First Writing; Maria Cândido: Writing - Review and Editing; FernandaCândido: Supervision, Project Management and Resources];

Acknowledgments (inserting institutions that, in some way, made it possible to carry out the research and / or people who collaborated with the study, but who did not fulfill the necessary criteria for the characterization of co-authors);

Funding sources (must be indicated, whether the work has received financial aid or not. Inform the type of aid, the name of the financial agent and the case number if the work has not received funding, please state “There was no source of financing");

Conflict of interest if any, the authors must inform, including political and / or financial interests associated with patents or property, provision of materials and / or inputs and equipment used in the study by the manufacturers. If not, declare in writing: “the authors declare no conflict of interest”.

Declaration of approval by the Ethics Committee: In the case of research involving animals and / or humans, it is mandatory to include a declaration that all procedures have been approved by the research ethics committee of the institution to which the authors are linked or, failing this, by another research ethics committee appointed by the National Research Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, National Health Council. Resolution No. 196 of 10/10/96 on research involving human beings. DOU 1996 Oct 16; nº 201, section 1: 21082- 21085). In the case of authors from other countries, articles must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and with local ethical standards.

Declaration of approval of the research by the CEUA (Ethics Committee with the Use of Animals): If the work involves the use of live animals, it is necessary to send to the Revista de Ciências Agrárias / Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences the declaration of approval of the research by CEUA. Failure to send this document will invalidate the work in this magazine. In experimental studies involving animals, the precepts of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (COBEA) must be respected. The document must be attached on the journal's website, at the time of submission as a document.

Format and preparation of the manuscript

All files must be complete and reviewed, according to the “Guidelines for authors” in this journal. They must be prepared using the text editor Microsoft Word 2007 or later, according to the following specifications:

  • Sheet size A4 (210 x 297 mm)
  • 3cm margins.
  • Induction of 1.25 cm paragraphs.
  • 5 spacing between lines.
  • Single column formatting.
  • Times New Roman font, size 12.
  • Sequential numbering of pages in the upper right in Arabic numerals.
  • Figures and tables must be inserted in the body of the document, in a position that provides the best reading flow.

Structure and organization of manuscripts

Each work must present the following items, according to their type. The work must not be identified and, therefore, must not contain the name (s) of the author (s) or any other items that identify it (s). Authorship data must be reserved for the Metadata Page and other documents mentioned above.

Title in the main language of the work: must be concise and indicate the content of the work; it must be centered, in bold and only with the first letter of the sentence in upper case; it should not start with words like "effect", "influence" or "evaluation"; it must not have a subtitle, acronym or formula; it must not contain a scientific name, except for little-known species (in this case, only present the binary name); must not exceed the limit of 15 words; it must contain words that facilitate the recovery of work by indexes developed by databases that catalog the literature.

Title in the second language of the work: if the work is in Portuguese, the second title must be presented in English and vice versa; it must be inserted immediately after the first title and be constructed with the same indications attributed to the Title in the original language of the work.

Resumo and Abstract: They must contain a maximum of 250 words each, be prepared with succinct sentences and in a single paragraph; they must not repeat the title; each sentence must be information; they must not present citations; they must start with a brief introductory sentence, justifying the work, followed by the objectives, object studied, most important results and conclusions; any and all acronyms must be preceded in full. Every paper must contain Abstract (in Portuguese) and Abstract (in English).

Palavras-chave and Keywords: They must respect the minimum limit of three and maximum of five, both in Portuguese and in English; they must be written in lowercase, separated by commas, without a period, with information that allows the understanding and indexing of the work; words that are already in the Title are not accepted. Every paper must contain Keywords (in Portuguese) and Keywords (in English).

Introduction: Explanation of the problem investigated or the hypotheses of the work in a clear and objective way; it should not exceed two pages; it must address the pertinence and relevance of the work, in addition to containing only citation of specific references, aiming to establish a relationship with published works on the subject; at the end of the Introduction, as the last paragraph, the scientific hypothesis and objectives of the study must be presented.

Material and Methods: They must present the following logical sequence: description of the place, period of research, experimental design and treatments, materials and techniques used, statistical analysis used, as well as data transformations; treatments and variables must be well detailed, but the use of abbreviations or acronyms must be avoided; routine techniques and procedures should only be referenced; the information must be sufficient for other researchers to repeat the experiment.

Development (exclusive for Review Articles): Must be written critically, presenting the evolution of knowledge, the existing gaps and the current state of the art, based on the theoretical framework available in the collected literature. It may contain subtitles, if necessary.

Results and Discussion: They must interpret the results of the work consistently, avoiding unnecessary comparisons, that is, the new discoveries must be confronted with the knowledge already obtained; comparisons, when pertinent, should be discussed and written in order to facilitate the reader's understanding; data not presented cannot be discussed; tables and figures must not be repeated, however, all their data must be discussed; one should avoid using variable names and abbreviated treatments.

Results should be presented together with the discussion.

Conclusions: They must be presented in succinct sentences, without additional comments, with the verb in the present indicative; they must not be a repetition of the results and must respond to the objectives expressed in the work; they cannot consist of a summary of the results; should present the new research findings.

Citations in the body of the text: If the author (s) is (are) cited in parentheses, they must be (are) only with the initial capital letter, separated by semicolons and in chronological order.

  • Examples: (Reis & Fernandes, 2009); more than two authors (Reis et al., 2009).

When the author's name is included in the sentence (sentence / sentence), it must be spelled with the initials capitalized and with the date indication.

  • Example: Reis & Fernandes (2009).

For more than two authors, in citations inside or outside parentheses, the first name must be presented followed by the expression “et al.”.

Any reference used and cited in the text must be included in the list of references, as well as the entire list of references must be cited in the text.

References: They must be in accordance with the standards of ABNT NBR 6023: 2002 (below are some examples); they must respect the following formatting: simple spacing, separated between yes by a simple space, with justified alignment, listed in alphabetical order by the last name; they must include all and only the bibliography cited in the text; titles included in the references must be written in italics; the work must have, at most, 25 references for scientific article, 30 for review article and 15 for communications, most of them coming from recent journals (last five years).


  • Book: SARRUGE, J. R.; HAAG, H. P. Chemical analysis in plants. Piracicaba: ESALQ, 1974. 56 p.
  • Book chapter:

WILLIAMS, E. S. Canine distemper. In: WILLIAMS, E. S; BARKER, I. K. (Eds.). Infectious diseases of wild mammals. 3rd ed. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2001. p. 50-58.

  • Periodicals:

KOUTINAS, A. F; POLIZOPOULOU, Z. S; BAUMGAERTNER, W; LEKKAS, S; KONTOS, V. Relation of clinical signs to pathological changes in 19 cases of canine distemper encephalomyelitis. Journal of Comparative Pathology, v. 126, n. 1, p. 47-56, 2002.

NOTE: from October 2020 it is mandatory to inform the doi of the articles, if they have them.

Statistical programs:

R development core team. A: a language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Available at: https://www.r-project.org/. Accessed on: 01 jan. 2020.

Electronic publications:

SILVA, M. S; SILVA, L. R. D; SILVA, S. M .; SOBRINHO, R. S. D. Quality of minimally processed hard jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophylus) stored at different temperatures. SENGE-PB, 2009. Available at: <http: /www.sengepb. com.br/site/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/t023.pdf>. Accessed: 5 May 2010.


BRAZIL. Ministry of Health. Ordinance No. 27, of January 13, 1998. Approves the Technical Regulation regarding Complementary Nutritional Information (statements related to nutrient content), contained in the annex to this Ordinance. Official Gazette of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasília, DF, jan. 16. 1998.

Tables: They must be numbered with Arabic numerals, presented throughout the text; the legends of the tables begin with the word Table followed by numbering in Arabic numerals, with a period and in bold, must always contain a self-explanatory, clear and concise title; title in the second language of the work: if the work is in Portuguese, the second title must be presented in English and vice versa; vertical lines should not be used; they must not have letters overwritten in their values; horizontal lines must appear to separate the header title and this from the content, plus one at the end, at the bottom of the table; must be edited in Microsoft Word® 2007 or later; they must not be imported from Excel® or Powerpoint®; elements sent in the image format will not be accepted and will cause delays in the evaluation and publication of the work; each value in the table must be entered in separate cells, centralized and aligned; the tables must be dimensioned as follows: width of a column (8 cm) or a page (17 cm).

Figures: Figures are all graphs, drawings, maps, diagrams and photographs used to illustrate the text; they must be inserted in the body of the text, so that they provide a better flow of reading and understanding of the text as a whole; if there is text inside the figure, it must accompany the language of the work and be legible; the legends of the figures begin with the word Figure followed by the numbering in Arabic numerals, with a period and in bold, and then the respective title; every figure must be cited in the text, present a caption and source of origin; every legend must indicate which figure it refers to; non-original figures (of another author or work) must contain, after the title, the source of origin; they must be dimensioned as follows: width of a column (8 cm) or of a page 17 cm .; for photos and maps, colored or not, a resolution of 150 to 300 dpi must be used; figures that repeat the information in the tables will not be accepted; color photos, when essential at the discretion of the Editorial Team, will also be accepted; border lines must not be used in the plotting area or in the graph area (figure); in the graphs, the designations of the X and Y axis variables must have initial capital letters, followed by the units in parentheses; title in the second language of the work: if the work is in Portuguese, the second title must be presented in English and vice versa.

Use of units: In the following examples, the correct format is the one on the right side of the equality: 10 hours = 10 h; 32 minutes = 32 min; 5 l (liters) = 5 L; 45 ml = 45 ml; l / s = L s-1; 27 ° C = 27 ° C; 0.14 m3 / min / m = 0.14 m3 min-1m-1; 100 g of weight / bird = 100 g of weight per bird; g per plant = g / plant; 2 tons = 2 t; mm / day = mm d-1; 2x3 = 2 x 3 (with spacing); 45.2 - 61.5 = 45.2-61.5 (without spacing). The% unit must be next to the number (Ex .: 45%); when there are numerical values ​​in the text in a row, the unit should only be placed at the last value (Ex .: 20 and 40 m; 56.0, 82.5 and 90.2%); when relevant, numerical values ​​should be left to a maximum of two decimal places; the quantities must be expressed in the SI (International System) and the scientific terminology must follow the international conventions of each area in question.

Acronyms and abbreviations: If the acronym is read as a word and contains more than three letters, only the initial letter must be capitalized; in other cases (acronyms up to three letters and those that are read letter by letter, without forming a word) all letters must be written in capital letters; the full name of an institution must have only the first letter of each name in capital letters; the abbreviation of the title of Revista de Ciências Agrárias is Rev. Ciênc. Agrár. and should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.

Latin terms: Latin terms must be presented in italics, except for the term “et al.”

Foreign terms: Only specific terms, highlighted in the manuscript; words incorporated into the Portuguese language should not be highlighted (eg marketing, e-mail, software, etc.).

After checking the formatting and having prepared the files according to the recommendations above, proceed to the Online Submission step (see below).

Submission of the manuscript

When the article is in accordance with the “Editorial Policy” and the “Guidelines for authors” of this journal, its submission must be made through the electronic address: http://periodicos.ufra.edu.br/index .php / ajaes / index. Revista Ciências Agrárias / AJAES uses the Electronic Magazine Editing System (SEER), a system customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), based on Open Journal Access (OJS) version 3.1.1-2, developed by the Public Knowledge Project. In this system, the author must first register, in order to obtain login and password.

When accessing the system, just pay attention to the data to be filled out and attach the necessary documents. We emphasize that it is mandatory to insert the ORCID of all authors during the submission. At the end of the submission, an automatic confirmation message is sent to the author, via email.


In case of doubts, after reading these “Guidelines for authors”, it is recommended to consult the most recent issue published by the magazine. Authors can also contact the Revista de Ciências Agrárias by email ajaes.suporte@gmail.com ou u amazonian.journal@ufra.edu.br.

Scientific articles

Default section policy

Copyright Statement

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to first publish. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work in an institutional repository or as a book chapter, provided they cite the Journal. As access to the Journal's articles is free, they cannot be used for commercial purposes. The published contents are the sole and exclusive responsibility of their authors. However, the editors will be able to make textual adjustments, to adjust to the journal's norms and to spelling and grammatical adjustments, aiming at maintaining the cultured standard of the language and the journal. Failure to comply with this commitment will subject the violator to sanctions and penalties provided for in the Copyright Protection Law (No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998).

Privacy policy

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.



Scientific Articles

Politics standard section

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this periodical will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this publication, and will not be available for other ends or third parties.