Dynamics of soil aggregation and organic systems in mono policultivados with crops of corn, beans and squash

  • Marcelo Silverio
  • Fabiane Machado Vezzani Federal University of Parana
  • Jeferson Dieckow Federal University of Parana
  • Julio Carlos Bittencourt Veiga Silva Paraná Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension


The ability of plants to corn, beans and squash was studied in monocultures and polycultures with two and three species in macroagregação regain ground after conventional tillage in organic production systems. The distribution of water-stable aggregates in diameter classes 8-4, 4-2, 2 to 0.25, <0.25 mm, and weighed wet (DMPU) average diameter, in the 0.00-0.10 layer m, were evaluated at three times t1) before conventional tillage; t2) after preparation, and t3) at the end of the crop cycle. Dynamics of aggregation in time showed the negative effect of soil tillage with disruption of macroaggregates in all treatments, decreasing the DMPU 2.44 mm before cooking to 2.14 after this, even without change occurs in carbon , observed the positive effect of the action of plants in the recovery of aggregation during the cycle of 94 days when the DMPU increased to 2.48 mm.


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Author Biographies

Fabiane Machado Vezzani, Federal University of Parana
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
Jeferson Dieckow, Federal University of Parana
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering - Fellow Research Productivity in 1D CNPq
Julio Carlos Bittencourt Veiga Silva, Paraná Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension
Municipal extension


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