Natural regeneration dynamics of Couratari guianensis in a tropical forest selectively logged in Moju, state of Para, Brazil

  • Fernando Cristovam da Silva Jardim Federal Rural University of Amazonia
  • Ana Cecília Nascimento Viana Federal Rural University of Amazonia


Studies on natural regeneration of timber tree species are of great scientific interest because they are essential for the proper development and implementation of management plans and silvicultural treatments, allowing sustainable use of forest resources. This study aimed to evaluate the population dynamics of Couratari guianensis Aubl., Family Lecythidaceae, a wood species known as tauari, in a terra firme tropical rain forest, selectively exploited in Moju, state of Pará, Brazil, over 12 years after harvesting, which originated gaps with sizes ranging between 231 and 748 m2, of which nine were used in the study. The center of each gap was determined and four transects of 10 × 50 m were marked in the North, South, East and West directions. In order to evaluate natural regeneration, three 2 × 2 m plots were implanted on each transect at the distances of 20 and 40 m off the edge. We used the mathematical models Natural Regeneration Rate (RR%), Recruitment (R%) and Mortality (M%) for the study of natural dynamics. Data were analyzed in the BioStat software by analysis of variance on three factors (center and directions, forest gap size class and study period). No significant differences were found in RR%, R% and M% values regarding the three factors. In general, Couratari guianensis Aubl. behaves as an intermediate plant species in terms of demand for light.


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