Aquaculture in the micro Guamá, Pará, Eastern Amazon, Brazil

  • Herbster Ranielle Lira De-Carvalho
  • Raimundo Aderson Lobão Souza
  • Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra


In Pará , as in the Amazon region of Brazil and in the rest of the aquaculture activity still shows a slight increase when compared to global aquaculture . The present study aimed to characterize the aquaculture activity in the micro Guamá / PA . The data , derived from the application of standardized aquaculture enterprises located in the municipalities of micro questionnaires were processed and analyzed using Excel 2007 for Windows 4.5 and Canoco 2:03 Past programs . The main aquaculture activities are practiced in the micro fish farming ( 23.4 % ) and livestock ( 23.4 % ) , the polyculture is the main type of farming ( 60.9 % ) , being the tambaqui ( macropomum Colossoma ) with tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) as practiced ( 55.6 % ) , mainly using the extensive rearing system ( 57.8 % ) , only 25 % of the ventures business purpose , the main labor utilized to contracted ( 45.3 % ) , the fish in natura the main form of marketing ( 71.8 % ) , only 25% of enterprises use commercial feed and 62.5 % identified as main difficulty access to technical assistance . Aquaculture is still practiced in rudimentary form in most of the study area , fish farming being the main purpose of subsistence production .


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Author Biographies

Herbster Ranielle Lira De-Carvalho
Degree in Fishing Engineering from Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC, Master of Tropical Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources: area of concentration Aquaculture, Aquatic Ecology and Natural Resource Management at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia - UFRA currently is an analyst at the Center for Environmental research and Management of fishery Resources of the North Coast (CEPNOR / IBAMA / PA), being a member of staff, Deputy chief of CEPNOR Sector Exploration and chief Financial administration Division (DIAF), experience in fishing resources, teaching in high school (Physics) and upper (collaborator Professor of engineering Course fishing - UFRA), in the area of fisheries engineering, mainly in the following areas: aquaculture (fish farming), resistor materials applied to fishing, fishing techniques.
Raimundo Aderson Lobão Souza

Raimundo Aderson Lobao de Souza (DSc.)
Guest teacher
Federal Rural University of Amazonia
Membership Institute of Water Resources and Environmental
Postgraduate Program in Tropical Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources

Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra

Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra (D.Sc)

Prof. Federal Rural AdjuntoUniversidade Amazon
Membership Institute of Water Resources and Environmental
Postgraduate Program in Tropical Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources

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