Physicochemical quality of fluid milk commercialized in the southeast of the State of Para

  • Luis Rennan Oliveira Sampaio
  • Kaliandra Souza Alves
  • Daiany Iris Gomes
  • Eduardo do Valle Lima
  • Sandra Sousa Barcelos
  • Rafael Mezzomo


Exposure to environmental contaminants, temperature elevation or obtaining milk inappropriately may compromise the quality of final product. The objective of this research was to evaluate the physicochemical quality of fluid milk retailed in Parauapebas, State of Para. Samples of raw and pasteurized milk were collected every week for three months – a total of 60 samples of raw milk and 12 samples of pasteurized milk. Titrable acidity, cryoscopic index, fat, protein, total solids (TS), nonfat solids (NFS) were determined and the reduction test of methylene blue, phosphatase and peroxidase was carried out. Variables were compared using non-parametric Kruscall-Wallis analysis through SAS. Cryoscopic index, titrable acidity, NFS and TS differed from the required standards for raw milk. For type C pasteurized milk, the following analyses showed higher non-standard percentage: pasteurization, cryoscopic index, DSE and protein. In some physical and chemical parameters evaluated, the raw or pasteurized milk analyzed did not reach the requirements for the normative instruction #51 (NI 51). Awareness and surveillance policies need to be imposed on the farmers from the rural southeastern region of the State of Para.


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