Sustentabilidade do Agroecossistema: Um Estudo de Caso em um Assentamento Agroextrativista da Amazônia Brasileira

Keywords: MESMIS, Multiple correspondence analysis, Public polic, Rural settlements, Indicators


The evaluating sustainability indicators can demonstrate the diversity of agroecosystems and point out strategies that can lead to better sustainability rates. The aim of this study was to analyze a set of environmental, social, and economic indicators used to characterize the sustainability of agroecosystems of Praialta Piranheira Agroextractive Settlement Project, located in Eastern Amazon. The study was developed in three sectors of the settlement, with each sector representing a different occupation time (< 9, between 10 and 19, and > 20 years of occupation). In each sector, three agroecosystems were studied. Based on the MESMIS tool (Natural Resources Management System Evaluation Framework Incorporating Sustainability Indicators) a structured questionnaire, was applied to each agroecosystem. In addition to the occupation time, another 32 qualitative indicators were considered from the environmental, social, and economic dimension. All indicators were divided into three categories that represent the degree of sustainability: highest, medium, and lowest. A multiple correspondence analysis was performed, and indicators were tested independently through the Monte- Carlo test. At least two basic types of agroecosystems are opposed: those with a longer occupation time, which demonstrate low sustainability, and those with a shorter or intermediate occupation time, which still show the potential of following more sustainable paths. The diversification of production systems and activities within a system indicates a contradiction between the public policies available—specifically, the lines of credit that do not encourage diversification and the willingness to diversify from the agroextractive workers.


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