Contrast radiographic anatomy of Bradypus variegatus esophagus

Keywords: contrast x-ray, barium sulphate, esophagus, Pilosa


Contrasted esophagic anatomy is important for clinical and surgical techniques that support the emergency treatment of animals. In Bradypus variegatus, plain radiography does not allow visualization of the esophagus, requiring the use of contrast to identify the location and displacement of the organ and application in routine veterinary hospitals. Thus, the present study aimed to describe the contrast radiographic anatomy of the esophagus of B. variegatus and its syntopy with thoracic vertebrae, intercostal spaces and the xiphoid process. Five (n = 5) anatomical specimens were studied, one adult male and four pups (two females and two males). The anatomical specimens were glycerinated, dried, weighed, and body biometry was performed. The radiographs were obtained in ventrodorsal (VD) and left laterolateral (LLL) projections of the cervical, thoracic and abdominal regions with barium sulfate contrast (1 g/mL). The position of the esophagus and the relationship of the extension with thoracic vertebrae, intercostal spaces and xiphoid process were analyzed. In RV, the ventromedial esophagus was observed in the left antimere of the cervical spine, remaining until the final third of the rib cage. At LLL, it was parallel to the spine. In the final third, ventral inclination in relation to the vertebrae was confirmed. The cervical esophagus was similar in other studies with sloths and anteaters. Organ tilting in the final third of the thorax was not documented in previous studies. Possible result because the contrast allows evaluation without alteration of esophageal positioning. Contrast radiography allowed the position of the esophagus to be studied in the two projections of the cervical, thoracic and abdominal regions.


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