Edaphic respiration in an ecosystem submitted to surface soil transposition in the Caatinga

Keywords: brazilian semiarid, ecological restoration, microbial activity


The research aimed to evaluate the potential of the soil transposition technique in the restoration of a degraded area in the Seridó Desertification Center, through the analysis of edaphic respiration. Seven areas from different microregions of the semi-arid region of Paraíba were selected for soil transposition and allocation to a degraded area. The design was in randomized blocks, consisting of eight treatments: one referring to the control (degraded area) and the others, to soils transported from conserved areas in microregions, and four blocks, totaling 32 experimental units. Monthly analysis of soil respiration measured by absorption of CO2 with the KOH solution was carried out. With the exception of the soil from the Sousa microregion, all soils transported from the other microregions presented CO2 values ​​higher than those of the degraded area, demonstrating that the soil transposition technique is efficient for this variable.


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Author Biographies


Bachelor's Degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) in 2011, with a course conclusion work in the field of salinized soil management. Master and Doctor in Agronomy from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) in 2014 and 2017, with a concentration in Ecology, Management and Conservation of Natural Resources. Technical and Management Assistance extension course & # 10; - ATG - vegetable line, by the CNA Faculty. He has experience in the following subjects: studies of ecological restoration of degraded areas in semiarid regions through nucleation techniques; soil quality analysis through physical and biological indicators (temperature, soil water content, macro and mesofauna, edaphic respiration and soil seed bank); forest inventory (floristic and phytosociological survey); urban afforestation (inventory and assessments of trees at risk); studies of biological invasion by terrestrial species in Caatinga ecosystems and in carrying out the rural environmental registry (CAR). He is currently a substitute professor at the Center for Agro-Environmental Science and Technology - CCTA, UFCG, Pombal campus, teaching disciplines such as Agroecology, Forestry, Plant Mineral Nutrition, Tropical Fruits and Weed Biology and Control.

Francisco de Assis Pereira Leonardo, State University of Piauí

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Paraíba (2007), Master in Soil and Water Management (UFPB/ 2010) and Ph.D. in Agronomy (2013), Post-doctorate from UFCG. Lines of research: Fertility and plant nutrition, organic and mineral fertilization, nutrient cycling and recovery of degraded areas.

Leônidas Canuto dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Master's student in Soil Science at the Federal University of Lavras. Agricultural Engineer from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Paraíba, Brazil. He was a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program (PET Agronomy) at UFCG (2016 - 2017), he was a Biochemistry monitor (2017/2018). He had a scholarship from the Institutional Program for Initiation Scholarships in Technological Development and Innovation PIBITI/CNPq (2018 - 2019 - 2020). Has a professional technical course in Agriculture integrated with high school at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Alagoas (IFAL, 2014). He has experience in Agronomy, with an emphasis on plant production, soil fertility and plant nutrition. He was a member of the Soil and Water Research Group at UFCG, Campus Pombal.


Graduated in Agronomic Engineering (2006), Master in Agronomy (2010) from the Center for Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and Ph.D. in Agronomy (2014), concentration area Plant Ecology and Environment, Federal University of Paraíba ( UFPB). She is currently a professor (Adjunct 3) at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) at Campus Pombal, Pombal-PB, working on the following topics: Biological invasion, seed ecophysiology, floristics and phytosociology, environmental education, environmental impacts and agricultural mechanization.


Agronomy student at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal campus. She was monitor of the subject of Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization. Participates in a research project in the area of ​​Forestry.

Mikaela de Oliveira Abranches, Federal University of Viçosa

Technician in Forests at IF Sudeste MG - Campus Rio Pomba, Agronomist at IF Sudeste MG - Campus Barbacena. Founding member of the Group of Studies, Practices and Research in Horticulture (GEPPOL). Participated in the International Mobility Program of IF Sudeste MG (2018) with an internship at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - Portugal, where he worked with the chemical characterization of sweet pepper seeds, seeking to know possible differences between the color of the fruit and the mode of production (organic and conventional). He worked on the scientific initiation project "Effect of the use of biostimulants in the culture of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)". Worked as a Research and Development Technician for Grupo Agro and SIGA (Integrated Solutions for Agro Group). She is currently a Master's student in Phytotechnics at the Federal University of Viçosa, where she studies the effect of green manure on the nutrition of vegetables.

Guilherme Augusto Mendes da Silva, Federal University of Lavras

Agricultural Technician (2014) and Agricultural Engineer (2019) by IF Sudeste de MG - Campus Barbacena. He is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Soil Science at the Federal University of Lavras, working in the field of dynamic research and nutrient availability in the soil-plant system.


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