Emergence, seedling development and desication tolerance of socoró (Mouriri guianensis) seeds

Keywords: Melastomataceae, germination, seedling morphology, orthodox


Socoró is a fruit tree often found on the banks of rivers, whose fruits are appreciated by aquatic fauna, with potential for use in the recovery of riparian forest. This work aimed to evaluate the biometrics and emergence of seeds of different socoró genotypes, as well as describe and illustrate the seedling in development, and to classify the seeds according to desiccation tolerance. Initially, biometrics and emergency test were evaluated, following a completely randomized design (CRD), with four treatments (genotypes) and four replicates. Seedling development was monitored from the appearance of the primary root to the of expanded second eophyll. For the classification of seeds according to desiccation tolerance, an emergency test in CRD was installed, with four treatments (moisture contents: 36.9; 22.3; 10.7 and 5.3%) and four replicates. Additionally, seeds with moisture contents of 5.3% were stored for three months at temperature of -18 °C, and subsequently subjected to the emergence test. The genotypes showed different behaviors with respect to seed biometry, emergence, emergence speed index, abnormal seedlings, dormant and dead seeds. Germination is hypogeal, cryptocotyledon and unipolar type, with the emission of the primary root at 24 days and the expansion of the second eophyll at 52 days after sowing. The seeds tolerate desiccation to a moisture level of 5.3%, plus cooling for three months at -18 ºC. Socoró genotypes differ in biometry, emergence, vigor and dormancy seeds. The seedling structures can assist in the identification of the species in the field, or in laboratory analysis. The seeds have orthodox behavior.


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