Corn silage harvested at different heights and addition of microbial and enzymatic inoculant

Keywords: Water activity, Homofermentatives, Aerobic stability., Water activity, Homofermentative, Aerobic stability


The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of corn silage harvested with different heights and the addition of microbial and enzymatic inoculant. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with treatments in factorial scheme 3 x 2 + 1 (three heights, with or without inoculant and a pattern represented by green forage) using six replicates (experimental silos). The cutting heights evaluated were 20, 40 and 60 cm. The dry matter content, pH, electrical conductivity, water activity and dry matter losses were not altered (P>0.05) by the cutting heights with or without inoculant. Green forage showed higher pH and electrical conductivity compared to silage. Aerobic stability was lower in green forage compared to silage. However, the cutting heights increase reduced the aerobic stability of the silage, which was not influenced by the addition of inoculant. The increase in the cutting height of corn plants from 20 to 60 cm reduces the aerobic stability of the silage, with little impact from the inclusion of inoculant based on homofermentative bacteria and fibrolytic enzymes on the fermentation process in laboratory silos with a low quantity of silage.


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