Socioproductive diversity conciliated with sustainable forest management with sustainability alternatives for extractive communities, Santarém/PA

Keywords: Production, Diversification, Family farming


The family farming socio-productive diversity is extremely important for both sustainability and social reproduction of Amazon’s communities. This study thus aimed to analyze the community’s productive practices seeking to identify species, products and/or byproducts, which may generate either income or food, or both, for extractive families of Gleba Nova Olinda I, Santarém-PA. Both semi-structured interviews and Participatory Rural Diagnosis’ (DRP) productive calendar were used as survey methodology. The surveyed communities develop socio-productive activities such as exploitation of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), crop cultivation, animal husbandry, hunting and fishing. Among the NTFPs, Brazil nuts, copaíba and pitch are highlighted. Additionally, other products are also extracted from the forest, such as bacaba, patauá, buriti, uxi and pequiá. Cassava for flour production is the main raw material, as it can be used not only for family consumption but also for sale. Likewise, other feedstocks are also produced, such as corn, rice, beans, squash and watermelon. Chicken is the main animal raised, which serves as either for food or for sale, depending on family needs. Hunting and fishing are very important activities to ensure food for families. They consume more than 12 different species of fish and more than 19 different species of animals. The local governance process becomes essential so that communities can have greater autonomy from traditional agricultural economic and productive practices, rather than from the PMFS, as they are vulnerable to the involvement and mastery of forest activity.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Schwartz, Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) in 1999, a master's degree in Ecology from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 2001 and a doctorate in Ecology and Forest Management from the University of Wageningen (WUR) in the Netherlands in 2013. Currently, Researcher A at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Eastern Amazon Unit in Belém (PA) and Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Forest Sciences at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), Campus de Belém. Develops research in Ecology (Populations and Communities), Management, Silviculture, Recovery and Conservation of Tropical Forests  
Nilma Silva Borges
Has experience in the area of ​​Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, working mainly on the following themes: family farming, açaí-management-enrichment-floodplain, açaí-management - terra firma and açaí? development program, cocoa production system, low carbon agriculture and environmental education.
André Sousa dos Santos, State Secretariat for Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS)
Post-graduated in Occupational Safety Engineering at the University of the Amazon, graduated in Forestry Engineering at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon.
Rafael Lobato Prado Neves, Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (SEMAS)
Forest Engineer graduated from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) in September 2013. He obtained the title of Master in Forest Sciences at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) in February 2016. He is currently a PhD student in the Graduate Program in Science Of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA).


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