Radial growth and artificial form factor of teak trees in Alta Floresta do Oeste, Rondônia

  • Marcia Fernanda Carneiro Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES
  • Wagner Walker de Albuquerque Foundation Federal University of Rondônia
  • Camilla de Oliveira Souza Federal University of Espirito Santo
  • Ana Paula Câmara Federal University of Espirito Santo
  • João Gabriel Missia da Silva Federal University of Espirito Santo
  • Elayne Katia Dos Santos Galvão Federal University of Espirito Santo
Keywords: Scaling, Stem analysis, Growth rings, Mean annual increment, Current annual increment


Tectona grandis Linn F. (teak) stands out in the wooden industry, because it has high natural durability, dimensional stability and mechanical resistance. However, fundamental datasets are necessary to determine the growth in diameter and volume of the trees, as well as a description of the artificial form factor, which will subsidize the implantation of commercial teak plantations in the northern region of Brazil. The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the growth of a teak commercial plantation in Rondônia, using information from the scaling and complete stem analysis. To do so, a scaling was conducted in four individuals, with 13 years of age, being the mean annual increment – MAI and current annual increment – CAI evaluated by the variables diameter at breast height – DBH and volume without bark. The mean diameter and volumetric growth were 1.27 cm year-1 and 0.0138 m3 year-1 per tree, respectively, and the artificial form factor was 0.37, at 13 years of age. MAI in DBH was considered low for a teak commercial planting, and the MAI values in volume had an increasing behavior until the sixth year of planting, followed by a stabilization. CAI in DBH decreased over the years, and the CAI values in volume had negative oscillations in some years. Therefore, a low performance was found in the growth in DAP and volume of this teak plantation, as well as a tendency of the artificial form factor to decrease with the advancement of the age of the trees.


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