Growth of timber species in a forest in Acre and compatibility with the forest legislation

  • Henrique José Borges de Araujo Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal do Acre.


The diameter of the trees is of great silvicultural importance and allows make multiple dendrometric calculations, including the volume. The growth of the diameter is therefore an important data in determining the volumetric growth of trees. This study deals with the evaluation of diametric and volumetric growth of commercials timber species in a forest under management in Acre, Brazilian Amazon region, through dendrometric bands. The objectives were to evaluate the growth of trees individually, by diameter class and species; calculate the linear correlations between the diameter growth, the DBH (diameter at breast height) and environmental characteristics (ecological and phytosanitary) of trees; and verifying compatibility between the intensities and cutting cycles established in the forestry legislation with the recovery capacity of the forest. For five years were monitored 509 trees distributed in five diameter classes (DBH ranging from 9.5 cm to 140.0 cm) and belonging to 27 species. The individual average diameter growth was of 0.542 cm year-1 and the volumetric growth of 0.053 m3 year-1. In general, the correlations between the diameter growth with the DBH and the environmental conditions of trees were very low. The average cutting cycle found was 40.8 years, ranging from9.3 a97,9 years between the monitored species. The study results showed that the intensities and cutting cycles of the forestry legislation are overestimated and are incompatible with the recovery capacity of the forest.


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Author Biography

Henrique José Borges de Araujo, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal do Acre.
Engenharia Florestal, Manejo Florestal, Tecnologia da Madeira


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