Germination and post-seminal development of paxiúba palm tree

  • Elizabeth Rodrigues Rebouças Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Caixa Postal 2223, 69080-971, Manaus, AM
  • Daniel Felipe de Oliveira Gentil Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 69077-000, Manaus, AM
  • Sidney Alberto do Nascimento Ferreira Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Caixa Postal 2223, 69080-971, Manaus, AM


Paxiúba is a palm tree with ornamental potential and its propagation is performed through seeds, but there is little knowledge on germination, seedling and the young plant development. This study aimed to describe and characterize chronological and morphological stages of seedling and young plant species. Germination and development were monitored from the formation of the germinal button to the complete laminar expansion of the sixth eophyll. The first visible sign of paxiúba seed germination, characterized by the formation of germinal button, occurs on average after 51 days. The seedling phase, which begins with the germination button ends with the complete expansion of the first eophyll, at 150 days. The young plant stage goes from 157 to 338 days, when the formation of metaphylls begins. The eophylls can help identify the species and indicate the stages of seedling and young plant in natural regeneration studies.


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