Induction of resistance to rice leaf blast by avirulent isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae

  • Marta Cristina Corsi Filippi Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
  • Gisele Barata Silva Federal Rural University of Amazonia
  • Hérica Fernandes Viana Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Valácia Lemes Silva-Lobo Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
  • Márcio Vinicius Carvalho Barros Côrtes Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
  • Anne Sitarama Prabhu Embrapa Arroz E Feijão


Rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae) disease can cause losses of up to 100% in
grain production. A sustainable management should consider alternative control measures.
In the present work, biotic resistance induction to blast disease was studied by comparing
disease severity and quantifying some pathogenesis-related proteins (PRPs). Rice plants of
cultivars Metica-1 and Cica-8 were sprayed with biotic resistance inducers (incompatible
isolates of M. oryzae) 48 h before inoculation with challenging isolates (compatible isolates
of M. oryzae) under greenhouse conditions. For both cultivars, Metica-1 and Cica-8, the
area under the disease progress curve was reduced by more than 80% when plants were
induced with avirulent isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae. The biotic inducers also promoted
an increase in the activity of peroxidase (POX), β-1.3-glucanase (GLU), chitinase (CHI), and
phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). Systemic expression of resistance was also observed.


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Author Biographies

Marta Cristina Corsi Filippi, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
Gisele Barata Silva, Federal Rural University of Amazonia
ÌCA/Laboratorio de Proteção de Plantas
Valácia Lemes Silva-Lobo, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
Anne Sitarama Prabhu, Embrapa Arroz E Feijão


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