Genetic diversity within and among populations of Cajazeira

  • Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
  • Lucyanna Moura Coelho Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
  • Pedro de Queiroz Costa Neto Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
  • Jania Silva Bentes Universidade Federal do Amazonas



 Spondias mombin is a fruit species belonging in the Anacardiaceae family with a large geographical distribution. It is of economical and social importance due to its fruit being intensively used for the industrial purposes of making juice, popsicle, jelly, and liquors. The objective of this work was the characterization of the genetic diversity both intra and inter populations of this species. This analysis was made by means of molecular markers of the type AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) in three populations in a region close to Manaus city, state of Amazonas: Amozonas National University (UFAM), Buriti village (VLB) and the Executive Commission for the Cultivation of Cacao (Ceplac). Ten oligonucleotide combinations were tested and four of them were picked for this analysis: E + AAC/M + CAT, E + AGT/M + CTC, E + AAC/M + CTC, E + AGT/M + CAT. The oligonucleotides revealed 283 polymorphic loci with a variation of 63 to 97.2% inter populations. The calculated Fst (genetic differentiation between populations) was of 0.52, this meaning a high level of genetic differentiation inter populations. According to the molecular analysis of variance, the variations inter and intra populations were of 52.8 and 47.1%, respectively. The dendrogram based on the AFLP markers showed the existence of two groups, one being that of the natural populations (UFAM and VLB) and another group formed by a population developed under cropping practices (Ceplac). The AFLP markers are efficient to detect genetic diversity in S. mombin and thus differentiate between populations of distinct constitutions. Most of the genetic variability is found to occur inter populations.


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Author Biographies

Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
Doutorado em Genética e Melhoramento Vegetal pela ESALQ/USP.
Lucyanna Moura Coelho, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
Mestre em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais pela Universidade Federal do amazonas.
Pedro de Queiroz Costa Neto, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 6200, Coroado I, Manaus, Am. Cep: 69077-000
Doutorado em Biotecnologia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas.
Jania Silva Bentes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Doutorado em Fitopatologia pela UFV, trabalha na linha de pesquisa marcador molecular.


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