Acclimatization of micropropagated plantlets of Heliconia Sexy Pink

  • Regina Caetano Quisen Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental
  • Marcelo Domingues Martins Raizer
  • Jorge Hugo Iriarte-Martel Iriarte-Martel Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia


 Tropical ornamental plants are distinguished by their beauty and color, and Heliconia chartacea (Lane x Barreiros) cv. Sexy Pink is a species of great value in the flower market. Micropropagation can be used for the mass production of plantlets in this species, allowing for the multiplication of high-quality plant materials using less time and space. However, the various stages of this process, such as acclimatization, suffer from a lack of standardization, which limits the advancement of micropropagation culture. In light of this issue, the present study examined the influence of different substrates on the acclimatization of plantlets of Heliconia Sexy Pink. Plants obtained by micropropagation were planted in polypropylene tubes containing different substrates (Bioplant®; coconut fiber; coconut fiber + Bioplant®; coconut fiber + earthworm humus; coconut fiber + Bioplant® + earthworm humus; sand + vermiculite). The survival rate ranged from 83 to 92%, with no significant differences observed among the treatments. The combination of coconut fiber + Bioplant® allowed for the greater development of the root system than did the other treatments, and roots were significantly less developed in the Bioplant® and sand + vermiculite substrates. Dry matter accumulation in the shoots of plants was greatest in the substrate composed of coconut fiber, followed by the substrates containing Bioplant® or earthworm humus, yielding vigorous plantlets. The substrate prepared with coconut fiber was most favorable for the increase of shoot and root dry mass over the acclimatization of Heliconia chartacea cv. Sexy Pink.


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