Anatomical and physiological characteristics of tanner grass exposed to arsenic

  • João Antônio Argenta Centro Universitário de Lavras- UNILAVRAS
  • Cynthia de Oliveira Federal University of Lavras
  • Evaristo Mauro de Castro Federal University of Lavras
  • Marinês Ferreira Pires Federal University of Lavras
  • Fabricio José Pereira Federal University of Lavras
  • Moacir Pasqual Federal University of Lavras



 Phytoremediation is a biological process that stands out as an effective and economic alternative for the removal of toxic elements; however, its success depends on previous studies of plant species and the species’ tolerance of certain pollutants. The aim was at evaluating the anatomy and physiology of Tanner grass (Brachiaria arrecta) to determine its anatomical and physiological plasticity characteristics that potentially enable arsenic tolerance. B. arrecta plants were cultivated in a greenhouse in a Hoagland-Arnon nutritive solution with the following As concentrations: 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg L–1. Gas exchange, anatomical characteristics, DNA quantification and arsenic absorption were evaluated at 18 and 21 days. An evaluation of plant growth was conducted to compare the selected plants at the beginning and after 21 days of the experiment. The plants absorbed the arsenic contained in the solution and showed an increase in the leaf stomatal density, mesophyll and leaf blade thickness and root endodermis and exodermis, and the anatomical modifications showed no evidence of stress in the plant structure. The gas exchange, growth and DNA content were not modified by arsenic in B. arrecta plants. The B. arrecta plants have anatomical and physiological characteristics that contribute to their survival in the presence of arsenic, possibly helped by the tolerance of this species of arsenic contamination from the nutrient solution and the lack of anatomical and physiological changes resulting in damage to this species.


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Author Biographies

João Antônio Argenta, Centro Universitário de Lavras- UNILAVRAS
Master and PhD in Plant Science from the Federal University of Lavras and Methodology Specialist in Higher Education at the University Center of Lavras.  Currently, he is  professor and Provost of the University Center of Lavras - UNILAVRAS.
Cynthia de Oliveira, Federal University of Lavras
She is Post-Doctoral Researcher from Department of Soil Science - DCS / UFLA, linked to the project Rare Earth Elements (REE) in fertilizers and effects on plants, of the Vale Technology Institute. Operates mainly in the areas of Anatomy and Physiology Plant, working with correlations between the structural characteristics and metabolism of plants.
Evaristo Mauro de Castro, Federal University of Lavras
Graduated in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa, MSc in Agronomy (Plant Physiology), University of Lavras and Ph.D. in Agronomy (Plant Science) from the University of Lavras. Currently he is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Lavras. He has experience in the areas of Structural Botany, Plant Physiology, Anatomy and Ecological Agronomy,  with emphasis on Crop Science. Develops activities related to Anatomy of Plants in Different Environmental Conditions, including quantitative analyzes in Anatomy, Anatomy and Ecological Structure and Function of Vegetative Organs in this latter area.
Marinês Ferreira Pires, Federal University of Lavras
She is Biologist graduated from the Federal University of Alfenas - UNIFAL-MG and MS in Agronomy / Plant Physiolog from the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. Currently she is PhD student in the course of Applied Botany from the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. She has experience in the area of Structural Botany with emphasis on anatomy of vegetative organs and in the area of Plant Physiology, studying the mechanisms of macrophytes in the presence of toxic elements such as heavy metals.
Fabricio José Pereira, Federal University of Lavras
He is professor in the Department of Biology from the Federal University of Lavras. He has experience in the areas of Structural Botany with emphasis on ecological anatomy, anatomy of the vegetative organs and quantitative anatomy, and Plant Physiology including biochemistry and plant secondary metabolism.
Moacir Pasqual, Federal University of Lavras
He is a professor in the undergraduate degree in Agronomy. Has experience in Agronomy with emphasis on Plant Science, Plant Breeding and Plant Tissue Culture in fruit species, vegetable crops, ornamentals, oil and coffee.


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