Methods for the determination of carbon in Ultisol in eastern Amazon

  • Saime Joaquina Souza de Carvalho Rodrigues Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
  • Steel Silva Vasconcelos Embrapa Amazônia Oriental
  • Michel Emerson Martins Pereira Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
  • Cleo Marcelo de Araújo Souza Embrapa Amazônia Oriental



 Soil carbon (C) content is a sensitive indicator of agricultural management impact. Different methods are usually adopted to determine soil C content, which can lead to variable results and therefore hinder the correct interpretation of management impacts. In this study, we tested three commonly used soil C determination methods (dry combustion with elemental analysis, dry combustion with loss-on-ignition, and wet combustion) with soil samples from agricultural sites under different management conditions (fire and fire-free land preparation) and forest. The wet combustion method underestimated soil C content in relation to the standard method (dry combustion with elemental analysis). We found high determination coefficients of predictive equations of total C (dry combustion with elemental analysis) based on concentration values determined either through wet combustion or loss-on-ignition. Thus, we recommend the use of the loss-on-ignition method, which is cheap, fast, and of low environmental impact, to predict total soil C concentration under the studied management conditions.


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Author Biographies

Saime Joaquina Souza de Carvalho Rodrigues, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
Instituto de Ciências Agrárias
Steel Silva Vasconcelos, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental
Laboratório de Análise de Sistemas Sustentáveis
Michel Emerson Martins Pereira, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
Instituto de Ciências Agrárias
Cleo Marcelo de Araújo Souza, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental
Laboratório de Análise de Sistemas Sustentáveis


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