Deployment costs and profitability of forest stands with teak in the State of Pará

  • Antonio Carlos Sanguino


This research was motivated by the lack of information regarding
costs of forest plantations to revitalize deforested areas in the state of Pará. goal
this study was to determine the costs and revenues from timber production of teak stand
(Tectona grandis) in an area of 1 hectare with a density of 1,660 trees, spaced 3.00 m
x 2.00, in the municipality of Benevides in Para State, with planning horizon of 25
year old; and analyze their economic feasibility. The basic information for the survey costs
was obtained from the technical EMATER-PA, producers in the region, technical visits and field day.
We applied the methodology proposed by Matsunaga et al. (1976), constituting the survey
Operating Cost Effective (COE) and Total Operating Cost of Production (COT). For analysis
It is used Economic Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), considering
the hurdle rates (TMA) of 6% pa; 9% pa and 12% per year. The results indicated that the labor constituted the main factor that encumbered the composition of costs, equivalent to 31.48% of the (COT), and the total production cost was R $ 10,803.09, being required a total investment equal to R $ 44,797.67. The indicators NPV and IRR equals R $ 5,464.20 and 13% per year,
respectively, demonstrate the economic return on investment in planting teak and that, in the medium term, disbursements are compatible with small and medium producers in the region who have resources at their disposal, from credit programs FNO-Banco da Amazônia, intended for reforestation and afforestation.


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