Construction and performance of a simplified tension table for the determination of soil attributes physicohydric

  • Petrus Hubertus Caspar Rosa Peters Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Degree in Agronomy
  • Bruno Montoani Silva Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water
  • Geraldo César Oliveira Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water
  • João José Silva Junior Federal University of Lavras Department of Engineering Professor of Environmental Engineering
  • Érika Andressa Silva Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water
  • Samara Martins Barbosa Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water


For determining the soil attributes of water retention up to –10 kPa, including macroporosity and microporosity, the sand tension table has been proposed as a low-cost and high-performance alternative to Büchner funnels. This study demonstrates procedures for the installation, calibration and validation of a tension table built with inexpensive, easily purchased materials. We collected 14 oxisol samples with preserved structure to evaluate the efficiency of the constructed tension table as compared to Büchner funnels for determining the water content at potentials of –2, –4 and –6 kPa. No significant differences were observed for the porosity obtained using the tension table compared to that observed using the suction unit.


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Author Biographies

Petrus Hubertus Caspar Rosa Peters, Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Degree in Agronomy

Department of Soil Science

Soil Physics

Bruno Montoani Silva, Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water

Soil Management

Availability of water to plants

Water retention in soil

Geraldo César Oliveira, Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water
Professor, Department of Soil Science / UFLA
João José Silva Junior, Federal University of Lavras Department of Engineering Professor of Environmental Engineering

Department of Engineering

Engineering soil and water

Érika Andressa Silva, Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water

Department of Soil Science

Soil Physics

Soil Management and Conservation

Samara Martins Barbosa, Federal University of Lavras Department of Soil Science Professor of Physics and Soil Conservation and Water

Department of Soil Science

Soil Physics

Soil Management and Conservation


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