Agronomic characteristics and genetic diversity of soybean cultivars for percentage of seed oil

  • Joênes Muci Peluzio Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas Campus.
  • Leonardo Alves Lopes Unitis, Campus Palmas
  • Edmar Vinícius de Carvalho Federal University of Tocantins, Campus Gurupi.
  • Flávio Sérgio Afférri Federal University of Tocantins, Campus Gurupi.
  • Michel Antônio Dotto Federal University of Tocantins, Campus Gurupi.


The objective was to study genetic diversity and agronomic characteristics of 21 soybean cultivars in five trials (two in the experimental area of the Federal University of Tocantins , Palmas -TO, and three in the Gurupi - TO) , aiming at quantifying the genetic variability of cultivars , to promote the clustering structure as a function of genetic dissimilarity , for percentage of oil , and present the most promising hybridization to produce superior recombination . Number of days to flowering and maturity , plant height and first pod , and seed oil percentage : The following characteristics were evaluated . The genetic diversity was evaluated for percentage of oil through multivariate procedures : Mahalanobis distance , clustering method of Tocher optimization and nearest neighbor . In the study of genetic diversity , each test represented a distinct variable in the multivariate model . Genetic variability was observed among genotypes for all the studied traits . Hybridizations EMGOPA × 314 M 9144RR , 9144RR M × Nidera The 7002 and FTS 4188 × M 9144RR are promising for obtaining segregating populations for percentage of oil . The optimization methods Tocher and nearest neighbor agreed among themselves .


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