Expansion of the forest sector in the mesoregions of the state of Goiás

  • Escleide Gomes Cabral Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG
  • Sybelle Barreira Universidade Federal de Góias – UFG
Keywords: Silviculture, Forest economics, Forest production


Since the arrival of eucalyptus in Goiás around 1980, silviculture has been consolidating over the years and demonstrating its importance to the state’s economy. Thus, the objective of this work was to verify the behavior of commercialized forest products: vegetable carbon, firewood and wood logs originated from silviculture over the years for the mesoregions of the state of Goiás. This study was conducted by collecting IBGE data, accounting for the amounts produced as well as values collected from each product from 2000 to 2015. A total of 27,390 t and 49,496 t of vegetable carbon was produced within the North and South mesoregions in 2000, respectively, corresponding to R$ 3.2 million and R$ 7.7 million. The firewood produced in the same period in the South and North mesoregions were 445,125 m3, raising R$ 5.08 million and 169,610 m3 (R$ 878 thousand) and wood production corresponded to 17,971 m3 (R$ 318 thousand) and 5,750 m3 (R$ 230 thousand), with the remaining mesoregions always presenting low values for both products. In 2015, the production of vegetable carbon was reduced, with an increase in the production of firewood and wood logs, indicating that some products have been replaced by others over the years, such as vegetable carbon by wood chips, as well as other products which can be processed and transformed into other less polluting and more economical energy sources.


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